
I Love Pinterest

Since joining Pinterest I have learned how to do science experiments, cook all kinds of recipes, decorate anything and how to draw and paint. I signed up back when it was brand new and it wasn't well known. I was a little weary of it after reading about getting sued due to copyright laws but the way I look at it, if it is on Pinterest the author should not have a problem with sharing.

What exactly is Pinterest, it is a web based "bulletin board". What if 10 years ago you were able to cut out your favorite images from magazines and post them on a board, that is kinda what its like. I personally use it a kind of a bookmark site. If I find a really cool site or idea I pin it on my board so I can find it later.

 Last time I heard Pinterest had a waiting list for new members. You have to have a friend invite you if you want to have an account. I have no problem sending my readers a invite, just send me a email letting me know you need a invite.
I promise once you try it you will love it.

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