
How many GB, best processor, high RAM you might as well be talking Chinese

I know you all have went through the grueling task of buying a new computer, I have done it a total of 3 times and everytime it gets more confusing. There isnt anything major wrong with our current desktop but it is a little slow and we have almost filled it up with pictures and homeschool stuff. We have a laptop that my son uses for school and it is twice as fast but of course it is brand new. We are looking at the refurbished ones and they have some great deals but I just dont know if they are REALLY good deals. Everytime my husband gets on the phone with someone they change his mind about what computer to pick so we keep going back and forth. It kinda reminds me of buying a new car!
Computers can be so easy to use but sometimes things happen that I just have no idea what to do with. Take for instance, with this new blog, I still have alot of learning to do. I know that there are settings and options that I have no idea about. I still cant figure out how to customize my Header on my blog.
My kids on the other hand are better than I am. My youngest who is six and has autism can get on the computer and do almost anything he wants (if allowed). He can search for what he likes, save things on the favorite list (this is why I have a list of games), and do other things that blow my mind. You have to be careful he not around when you type your password in cause if he sees you he can remember.
Well hopefully we can find a nice computer that will do what we want at a good price. What do you look for when buying a computer? What is the best brand that you found so far?
Maybe you can help me find a great deal.

1 comment:

Pam said...

We bought my daughter a Samsung laptop for Christmas and it is amazing. Much better than my laptop, that's for sure.